

At FCPL, we believe an individual or corporate investment portfolio should place a strong emphasis on funding/investment in companies. The various stages through the life cycle of a company can provide for lucrative investment opportunities. This ecosystem has evolved into an extremely high yielding space and therefore a space difficult to ignore, however, the perils of investing in a high yield space are obvious. This is where, FCPL through our team, network, market knowledge & expertise specialise in identification, evaluation, screening and analysis of companies, thereby helping our clients make the right choices. A number of start-up businesses are handheld by FCPL as they navigate through the complexities of the business world. The post start-up phase is where businesses truly require assistance, whether in the form of knowledge, networks or capital. At FCPL, we strategically align ourselves with founders & business owners, working with them to ‘find solutions’ - investment, management, technical knowhow, market insight and financial expertise, unlocking great value for the businesses and clients alike.

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